ADD has a major impact on your life, work, children and family. This website offers lots of information, practical tools and training that will forever change your view of ADD and radically transform your life (yes, really). Are you interested?

What is ADD

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a genetically determined concentration disorder. It is a somewhat lesser-known and less prominent version of ADHD. Because of this, attention deficit disorder is often not discovered until later in life. As a result, for a long time, people do not know why they encounter certain problems.

Uncertainty, lack of understanding from the environment and difficulty keeping an overview: ADD can have various adverse effects. The negative side of the disorder is therefore often a reason to take action.

Why am I experiencing so much chaos in my head?

Most people discover they have ADD by naming their negative traits. For example, you may experience chaos in your head and have difficulty planning. Yet ADD does not only bring negativity. In fact, people with ADD are often creative, driven and empathetic.

Although your head works a little differently than other people’s, with the right tools, you can go a long way. To do so, however, you must change your mindset and learn to embrace your positive traits.

Uncertainty, lack of understanding from the environment and difficulty keeping an overview: ADD can have various adverse effects. The negative side of the disorder is therefore often a reason to take action.

Advantages and disadvantages of ADD

ADD is a concentration disorder that can lead to several types of problems. For example, people with ADD often function at a lower level than you might expect. This is partly because of the procrastination that many people with ADD suffer from. Career advancement is also not always easy. Management tasks – which require planning and keeping track – are generally not the traits in which someone with ADD excels. Finally, the concentration disorder can cause problems in a person’s personal life. For example, dreaminess and forgetfulness may be charming at first, but may later be mistaken by one’s partner and friends for a lack of interest or courtesy. Also, running a household may not be quite the thing for someone with ADD. Indeed, starting and completing tasks remains difficult.

Yet ADD does not bring only disadvantages. In fact, most people with ADD are good at problem-solving. They process impressions and information quickly and are good at thinking “out of the box.” People with ADD also have great empathy, are creative and possess spatial awareness. In addition, people with ADD can go into hyperfocus when they find something really interesting. They are then highly concentrated and completely forget about the world around them.

What are the symptoms of ADD?

Some people constantly run into the same problems. Although they are aware of this, they fail to break the patterns. ADD may be the cause of this. In this case, it is important to understand the symptoms of ADD. By learning to understand yourself better, you can look for targeted solutions to get a better grip on your life.

We have listed three key characteristics that may indicate ADD.


Quickly distracted

Attention deficit is often one of the first symptoms noticed in ADD. The reality, however, is a little more nuanced. In fact, when you find something interesting, you manage to stay focused just fine. You can even be so focused that you lose track of time. With things that interest you less, however, it seems impossible to hold your attention.


For people with ADD, often only two concepts apply: now and later. While it is certainly not a bad thing to live in the moment, procrastination can become a major burden. For example, it is often complicated for someone with ADD to plan, keep track and prioritize. Unfinished or partially completed tasks create a lot of stress and anxiety. Still, it can be difficult for people with ADD to take action.


You are easily affected by things, but at the same time find it difficult to express your feelings. As a result, you are sometimes told that you are absent and uninvolved. However, these accusations are not justified. People with ADD think a lot. They mull and dream a lot and often find it difficult to switch between different subjects. Partly because of this, they seem absent-minded, but in their heads they are actually much occupied with the things they consider important. Mood swings are also common in ADD.

How to get a grip on my ADD brain?

Almost everyone knows it: you need to start a job, but find it difficult to take the first step. For you, however, this first step feels like a full marathon. You find it difficult to make choices and set priorities. Fortunately, you can learn to tackle your procrastination.

Do you want to master your procrastination? Moreover, do you feel that the chaos in your head rules your life? Are you running out of time every day and just can’t seem to take the first step and reach your goals?

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